Thursday, September 23, 2010

Is it true that introverted race own more likelihood to capture schizhophenia?

Is it true that introverted race own more likelihood to capture schizhophenia?
Introversion does not cause schizophrenia or directly contribute to the nouns of schizophrenia.
That being said, near may still be a correlation since:
1) They share environmental risk factors (childhood knock about, trauma)
2) The early stages of some schizophrenia may look close to introversion and be labeled as such before the diagnosis of schizophrenia.
3) Schizophrenia and introversion both enjoy heritable factors.
In other words, although introversion does not result in schizophrenia, I would not be surprised if introverts develop schizophrenia at a higher rate than extroverts.
Unfortunately I do not enjoy an actual study to back this up. If anyone know of such a study, please post it!
It is true that people who socialize are smaller quantity likely to hold a mental illness, however, it is my (untested) belief that it is the "closet extroverts" who are more predictable to have a mental malady. What I mean is shy empire who really do want to have abundantly of friends and be around people most of the time, but for some object end up spending most of their time alone. A true introvert is positive to be alone and is not lonely. A true introvert is healthy and probably have no more chance of mental sickness than an extrovert.
I believe that we increase our chance of mental weakness when we try to deny who we are and act as though we are something we are not.
Not at adjectives.

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